Thursday, 31 January 2013

And the winner is...

Hi, Bloggers!

We have some exciting news for you. As you all know, this Friday our game will be presented to the public at the UU symposium. No less than sixteen different teams, including Rolling Barrel Studios, will be there to show off the result of their hard work and creativity. Two awards will be given out, the Audience Award and the Best Game Award.

Everyone at the symposium is allowed to vote for their favourite game. The Audience Award will go to the team with the highest number of votes from the audience. However, the Best Game Award is handed out by a jury. It will go to one of four nominees:

- Dungeon Bros. (by team Alpha Bros.)
- Kabomb (by team SinusAppel)
- Crystalator Battlegrounds (by team Sovereign Studios)
- Space Jumble (by team Rolling Barrel Studios)

In case you didn't notice: WE ARE NOMINATED FOR BEST GAME! How awesome is that? I'll have to admit the other nominees really deserve their nomination as well, so we're up against some fierce competition. But we'll put our best foot forward and battle for the title of Best Game!

For further info on the symposium and our competitors, visit:

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