Who are we?

Mandy “Mockingjay” Filet

“Hi, readers!

My name is Mandy Filet. I am part of the creative team of Rolling Barrel Studios.

I am in charge of the epic territory that is music. Music has been a tremendous part of my life, for I was slamming and smashing piano keys before I could walk. It has become as important to me as water and food. And sleep. And oxygen. And chocolate.

Just like my love for music, my love for games goes way back. From the moment I could hold a pawn, to this very day, I have literally (and I mean literally) played hundreds of different kinds of board games. Not to mention the annual visits I have paid to the Game Convention, which has been a tradition within our family for years now.

Combining these two passions with the fact that I have always had a soft spot for clever, logical puzzles (which are not too rare in the world of programming), it is safe to say I'm super-duper-excited to see what experiences and opportunities Rolling Barrel Studios has in store for me.

Lots of love!”

Special Ability: Call of the Song
Can identify the exact pitch of any musical note by ear. Picks up tunes quickly and spreads them to others, causing people to get tunes stuck in their heads. Ability can be used for annoying purposes when desired. Not recommended.

Peter Paul ”Reaver” Erdman

Special Ability: Chaos Incarnate
His very presence reduces all productivity to a negligible level, resulting in great chaos, lots of Nicholas Cage and many pony references, also might randomly do stuff that is somewhat useful?
Upon activation: grants temporary immunity to logic.

Sam “Mad Hatter” de Redelijkheid

"Greetings dear reader!

My name is Sam de Redelijkheid, also known as the Mad Hatter and Samon. In an attempt to combine my many interests ranging from quantum particles to Hamlet and from Socrates to Bakemonogatari I somehow ended up here at Rolling Barrel Studios.

As one of the main coders you can probably blame me for a good amount of the bugs in the game and thank me for most security issues. (Until I repair them! *Laughs evil*)

But I think I've bored you enough with talking about myself, so cheerio!"

Special Ability: The Cap of D0Om
Upon putting on his thinking cap, dubbed the Cap of D0Om, the Mad Hatter bursts out a ray of quantum particles which increases productivity by 9001%. May cause rifts in time and space if used in combination with Chaos Incarnate.

Maguell “Synesys” Sandifort

"Greetings to all!

My name is Maguell Sandifort, one of the programmers of Rolling Barrel Studios. It will not be a surprise to you that I am one that enjoys games. I was always intrigued by games and how they would work. It started with typing in MS-DOS and ended with me writing lines of code in Game Maker.

Now I transfered to C#. Beware: there will be bugs!"

Special Ability: Coding Showdown

After a long period of inactivity and unproductiveness, Synesys finally does something useful and goes on a coding-spree.

Hasse “Maligna” van Maarle

"Hello there gamers! I am Hasse and I am the organisational brain of this organisation. Basically, this means I get to yell at everyone that they should do something and not get punished for it =D Its awesome! To tell you a secret, I am probably the gaming noob of the whole crew, because I have only played a handful of games (I know, I’m ashamed). I have always loved people and especially people who game. This means that apart from telling the rest what to do (muhaha) my focus also lies on having a very gamer-oriented game, cause you guys are awesome!"

Special Ability: Evil Mastermind
Forces everyone to document excessively, preferably yesterday and brings a torturous death to all that do not obey.

Corné “Entomb” Thoes

"Hi there,

My name is Corné Thoes and i am one of the pogrammers for Rolling Barrel studios. Ever since I have played games, I wanted to improve them, do things diffrently and thus my goal has always been to once join a gaming studio. I have been a bit lazy on the learning part.
I tried out HTML, C++, Java and C# but I am mostly programming in C# as that is what is tought to us at the university aswell.

Most of my creativity comes, I think, from all the books I read when i was young! I used to read dozens of books every year, and especially fantasy and sci-fi books.
I also get alot of insight into games because i am a fanatic gamer. League of legends, any MMORPG, Counter-strike, you name it and i play it.
I hope you guys got to know me a little bit better, hope to speak more to you!"

Special Ability: Lets bury it!
Whenever Entomb runs into trouble, he just uses his special abiliy to bury it. This usually involves some sort of denial or immense pain for the opposite side.

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